
21 Oct 2005

I awake at 10pm after a two-hour dream-infested nap that included riding around Normal on a motocycle GTA-style and talking with Full House characters.
I suddenly have a craving for sausage.
Note that I live in a super residential neighborhood that is utterly devoid of restaurants, bars, people, and probably even wolves. During the day I see people walking around, but at night it’s quieter than Cornell Drive. I am nonplussed. I like saying nonplussed.
As I walk out the door my mp3 player randomly selects Overkill’s Killology for me to walk, thus setting the tone for the evening. An evening with Overkill. I take the tram into a more city-center-like-place in an attempt to find Sternen Grill, the brat stand that Anne showed me within hours of my arrival. I have recently learned (15 minutes ago) that it is open until midnight. Sternen has excellect sausage and is the only place I know of to acquire food for less than 10 Swiss Francs.
I get off the tram and walk along the river, which is awesome. It looks a lot more Euro here than up by where I’m staying. You know what I mean. For instance, every third shoppe has well-made, fashionable $300 shoes in the window. Now it’s time to play my new favourite game, How Many Clocks Can I Spot In My Field Of Vision Without Turning My Head. OK, four.
After walking around and looking at stuff, (Zurich has unfortunately succumbed to the silly Word + Number == posh bar name trend), I find Sternan and get a big-ass sausage, a hunk of bread, and a large glass bottle of beer that I can walk around in the street with because the Swiss aren’t afraid of glass like America is. Oh and by the way, you know that mustard they have at Kaiserhof, that my dog Fresh had first, with the kit, that’s kitted out, look like it got frog eyes? Got that shit on dubs. I walk around drinking beer and looking at things.
At the tram stop a lady in a gaudy sweater asks me something in german. I tell her I don’t understand. She re-asks me for money, this time in english. Even the homeless people speak english here. Advantage: Switzerland.
On the way home I see a skateboarder bite it hard. Some things are just hilariously gratifying no matter what country you’re in.

The other day I went to NORDSEE, the Swiss version of Long John Silver’s. See for an international java experience. Unfortunately it is not pirate-themed.