I, Oyster

01 Jul 2006

Well the World Cup action is heating up, and with France’s surprising victory over Brazil, it looks like we’re going to have another throwdown in the Fatherland, WWII-style. Plus, uh, Portugal will be there.

I’m pretty sure that tomorrow it will be revealed that there was a wacky SOUL MIXUP, and it was actually Brazil playing in France’s bodies and vice-versa, so Brazil will be advancing anyway. I mean, this is the team that was only scored upon once so far in the tournament, right? This is the team whose entire roster can be processed by unix shells everywhere using the regexp ‘ronald.o’? _Is this not the team_ whose flag looks INTERSTELLER??!

But that’s not the only thing that’s hot these days; Marcel Dettwiler is getting on with the business over at <a href=http://www.absoluteinvestments.com/absolute_weekly/weekly.php>Facing the Noise </a> on a weekly basis.

And don’t get me started on all the pregnant ladies. Whoah!

Of course, to beat the heat in Zurich, you tram on down to the Limmat and go for a dip in TEEN-INFESTED WATERS. Meanwhile, keep it locked here ya’ll. You don’t want to be the last one on your block to find out what business an elf, a man and a dwarf have in the Riddermark, do ye?

*I don’t actually care about soccer.