17 Aug 2007

News of AppleWorks nee ClarisWorks being officially dead. Not that it wasn’t already because there hasn’t been an update in forever, but it got me all sniffly for my old G3 powerbook. I had mostly forgotten about AW but it was one of the reasons I switched to mac (before os x even existed). It was the first computer I bought completely with my own money. 2000 bucks–that was a lot a the time–I had to get a loan from the bank.

After about 2 weeks I realized that the user interface of OS 9 was way better than win or linux (though comparing macos to blackbox is a little weird) or solaris, and it’s still superior to the current OS X interface. Back then they didn’t have this crazy idea that everything had to look lickable and/or fucking brushed metal and whatever they call this new thing… brushed dick? Shaded-for-no-reason-porcelin? My itunes is a stylish toilet bowl. OS 9 on my 400mhz powerbook was, for the most part, more responsive and snappy than OS X on my 1.5ghz powerbook. The new intel ones are pretty good but still occasionally laggier than I would like or expect.

Other things that were awesome about that Powerbook: